Friday, December 20, 2019

Forsaken From Your Love

I journeyed through the centuries
forsaken from your love. 

The essence of our fire still
flickered in my soul.

Time sent you to come find me
to intercept my road.

To pump the life into my veins
and lift me from the black.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Without You

As moments keep on passing
the void within me swells.

I stop my thoughts from dwelling
on the fact that you are gone.

The numbness keeps me moving,
feeling nothing as I ramble through.

I go through life's emotions
without passion, without form.

My existence without you lost all meaning
but somehow I keep on.

I make-believe we never were,
so I can function all alone.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


How can I put each day aside, letting it fade into the past
erasing all images, I have stored in my heart of you?

Is life so shallow that our existence consists of only what we touch?
And, if when we remember, does it have to be like a dream
or a fantasy we are not sure we even experienced?

How can I bring back what I once felt, what I once loved?
How can I bring back the stars that seemed to touch my fingertips,
the moon that brightened even the darkest of all of my nights?

How can I bring back the light that entered my being,
how, when I do not even have you?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Home To You

I lost the fire to my soul,
somewhere in time.

Since then it has been wandering centuries
looking to find and inhale yours.

The stars are not as bright and
the Sun never burns my skin anymore.

Looking for your essence
in the empty eyes of strangers,

feeling for your presence
under each and every stone,

endlessly I wander,
to feel the fire of your touch.

Hopelessly needing to hear the universe,
through the whispers of your voice.

Alas, long and weary is the road
that leads me home to you.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Time II

Time: a four letter word that has so much meaning in our everyday life as living beings and yet exists only as a mere fabrication for us to feel our humanity against the vastness of the universe.

Time: a sense of failing of not achieving of not reaching the sky to touch the brightest star.

Time: a farm somewhere in a faraway dream where the grass touches your fingertips and the crickets sing their morning song.

Time: a long lost love that will never be that will always travel in a parallel world never ever crossing with yours.

Time: a path of loneliness where the only voice that comforts you is the one coming from your own mind.

Time: a closing chapter that will shatter your heart and always keep you feeling numb.

Time: a last goodbye a closing door a wound that will never begin to heal with 'time.'


Sunday, March 3, 2019

A Life Erased

The first beam of sunlight

the first yellow daisy

the first caress on a sandy beach ...

All firsts, all creating building blocks of vivid memories

keeping dreams alive.

Then suddenly recollections fade one by one.

Your first love, your first touch,

your first kiss under the light of a tropical moon.

One by one slowly deleting from your mind becoming

a life erased

"Dedicated to those who love and carry on the light of their loved ones
inflicted with dementia"